Look Up Mantra from Havana Cuba

Look_Up_mantra_from_Havana_CubaHappy Look Up Day from Havana, Cuba!

For those that have been with me over the last nine years, you know my backstory and the BIG bump in the road. It was on a normal fall day in Poughkeepsie, New York that taking out the trash and a BIG bump on the head and neck became the spark that I needed to change my life. Since I have embarked on Life 2.0, written three books, created the Look Up mantra and Look Up Day, and traveled a lot of awesome places!

Join Me for the Look Up celebration in Havana, Cuba!

Join me in celebrating the 9th anniversary of Look Up Day by watching this video filmed in a place that I have spent a lot of time over the last years, Havana, Cuba. Enjoy the video and a little dose of Look Up inspiration!

Want to learn more about other Look Up moments and stories?

Look Up Reminder from Matterhorn, Switzerland

An Artistic Reminder from Madrid to Look Up

As always, here's to looking up!

2 Responses

  1. When is your next trip to Cuba
    • Heidi Siefkas
      I'm in Cuba almost every other week. I will be there for the next two weeks and at the end of the month. NOW is the time to go to Cuba. Check out my Cuba videos on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZqC52mzPFDc

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