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Cubicle to Cuba

About Cubicle to Cuba: Desk Job to Dream Job

In this introspective travelogue, author, speaker, and adventurer Heidi Siefkas shares her transition out of the corporate world and Cubicle Land to life on the road in Cuba and beyond.

Heidi highlights another side of Cuba as well as the perspectives gained from years of travel to the once forbidden island. Along the way, Heidi seizes opportunities for adventure in Kauai, Italy, Peru, New Zealand, Australia, and other far-flung places, but always returning to Cuba for more.

Not unlike her previous books When All Balls Drop and With New Eyes, Heidi tells this story with a good dose of sass and humor in her signature down-to-earth vignettes. Get ready for an adventurous tale with some misadventures. It’s either a good time or a good story.

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Cubicle to Cuba will teach you about Cuba, but also it will inspire you to think out of the cubicle, travel more, and embark on your own Life 2.0 full of adventure.

To get a sneak peek of Cubicle to Cuba, by watching its trailer: