Look Up—Global Stories of Resilience: Final Round of Submissions Needed
My Up and Coming Book: Look Up—Global Stories of Resilience Just recently, I settled on a working title for my next book: Look Up—Global Stories
Although I’m originally from small-town Wisconsin (you betcha), I hang my hat in Nashville, TN. However, as an adventurer, I’m rarely home for long. Most likely, you’ll find me in the outdoors on an adventure near or far. Also, I’m a TEDx speaker, creator of the mantra Look Up, and the author of three inspirational, non-fiction books: When All Balls Drop, With New Eyes, and Cubicle to Cuba.
My Up and Coming Book: Look Up—Global Stories of Resilience Just recently, I settled on a working title for my next book: Look Up—Global Stories
Author Heidi Siefkas is in search of true, inspirational stories from around the world to complete her 4th book. Started in 2022, while living in
When managing our mental health, it’s easy to assume you need to lock yourself away and find a peaceful spot you can heal from the