Book Excerpts

When All Balls Drop

With New Eyes
Heidi Siefkas lost her health, her career, and her marriage after she was struck by a one-thousand-pound tree branch. While she made great strides in her physical and emotional recovery in the months that followed—an arduous process that she chronicled in When All Balls Drop—Heidi wasn’t content to merely survive her setbacks. The time was right to build a new life. One she could live on her own terms.

Cubicle to Cuba
In this introspective travelogue, author, speaker, and adventurer Heidi Siefkas shares her transition out of the corporate world and Cubicle Land to life on the road in Cuba and beyond.
Heidi highlights another side of Cuba as well as the perspectives gained from years of travel to the once forbidden island. Along the way, Heidi seizes opportunities for adventure in Kauai, Italy, Peru, New Zealand, Australia, and other far-flung places, but always returning to Cuba for more.