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Howdy adventurers and welcome to #ChatAdventure!

My name is @HeidiSiefkas. I’ve hosted #ChatAdventure since 2016. This has been a collaborative chat on Twitter where we share adventure stories, pictures, and tips. If you are interested in adventure, which includes travel, new activities, new people, different foods, expanding your horizons, and more, come along for the ride.

The next #ChatAdventure will be in 2022. However, in the meantime, I co-host the longest running Twitter travel chat on Tuesdays called #TRLT. Join me there!

**If you would like to take-over, co-host a #ChatAdventure, submit a question, suggest a topic, or sponsor a chat, please contact me.**


Please note the previous topics:

Summer/Fall/Winter Pandemic hiatus until 2022

4/28/21 Sunrise and Sunset Adventures

3/31/21 Wildlife Adventures

2/24/21 Local Adventures

1/27/21 Oopsy Adventures

11/25/20 and 12/30/20 Holiday Hiatus

10/28/20 Sweet Adventures on #NationalChocolateDay with co-host Nicolette_O

Summer Hiatus

5/27/20 Positive Adventures because of COVID-19

4/29/20 Waterfall Adventures all-day

3/25/20 Stay-at-Home Adventures all-day

2/26/20 Warm Winter Adventures all-day

1/29/20 Chat with open forum to kick off 2020 sharing adventure plans and photos

11/27/19 Chat with co-host @CharlesMcCool for Best Adventures of 2019

10/30/19 Chat about Autumn Festivals

9/25/19 Chat about Language Adventures

8/28/19 ALL-day chat about Wine Adventures for National Red Wine Day

7/31/19 ALL-day discussion of Underground Adventures with co-host @Nicolette_O

6/29/19 ALL-day with Best Hiking Adventures with co-hosts @RoarLoudTravel & @traveling1223

5/29/19 ALL-day with ONE prompt Summer Adventure Close to Home + Refueling Stops

4/24/19 ALL-day with ONE prompt Off-the-beaten-path Island Adventures

3/27/19 ALL Day with Your Favorite Phrase Learned while Traveling

2/27/19 ALL Day with Book & Movie Inspired Adventures

1/30/19 ALL Day with DNA Discovery Adventures

11/28/18 ALL Day with ONE prompt to share Your #1 Spotlight Adventure of 2018

10/31/18 ALL Day – Costume Adventures – Share your favorite pictures and posts of costumes from around the world whether on #Halloween, Carnival, or other.

9/26/18 ALL Day – #LookUp Adventures that forced you to 1) Be in the moment & 2) Find the upside. Please share a pic and/or post of the adventure.

8/29/18 ALL Day – Food & Wine Adventures. Share your best pairing of food and wine with a picture/recipe/video/or post with co-hosts @winetraveleats @danahfreeman @traveling1223

7/25/18 ALL Day – What was your most memorable road trip? Please share travel tips as well as a picture to inspire others to do it too! Co-hosts @RoadtripC & @SouthernerSays

6/27/2018 ALL Day – Share 1 picture of your favorite Tasty Summer Adventure (libation, dish, and/or dessert_ + a recipe/post of that yummy goodness.

5/30/18 ALL Day – Share a picture of your favorite Summer Outdoor Adventure + 1 travel tips or post for that said adventure

4/25/18 ALL DAY – Share a picture of an adventure + 1 travel tip for that activity/destination

3/28/18 Pay It Forward with  Co-hosts @Touchse and @Nicolette_O

2/28/18 Adventures in Transportation with Co-host @DestAddict

1/31/18 Hometown Adventures with @travthroughlife @bestywuebker @CharlesMcCool @Nicolette_O @NothingButNE

12/13/17 Year of Adventure in Review with @roarloud  @nicolette_o & @touringtastebud

11/15/17 Culinary Adventure with @Always5Star @touringtastebud @travelatwill @travthroughlife

10/18/17 Book and Movie-Inspired Adventures with @Nicolette_O @always5star @RoarLoud @MsTravelingPants

9/20/17 Newbie adventures

9/6/17 Why Adventure with @travelscope and @RoarLoud

6/7/17 Yolo Adventures with @MsTravelingPant @RoarLoud @CharlesMcCool

5/17/17 Family Adventures with @MsTravelingPant @RoarLoud @CharlesMcCool

5/3/17 Wildlife Adventure with @RoarLoud @TheAdventureCrtrs @CharlesMcCool

4/19/17 Educational Adventures with @RoarLoud

4/5/17 Adventures Mixed with Libations with @charlesmccool @roarloud @betsywuebker

3/15/17 Misadventures

3/1/17 Foodie Adventures

2/15/17 Book Inspired Adventures

2/1/17 Hometown Adventures

1/18/17 Cuba Travel Tips & Book Cubicle to Cuba with co-host @LoriMoreno

1/4/17 Beach Adventures

12/7/16 Unique Holiday Adventures

11/30/16 Adventure in Nature

11/16/16 Island Adventures with co-host @BetsyWuebker

11/9/16 Fall Adventures

11/2/16 Adventure Defined


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