Top Destinations for Dinner Shows in the US


Some of the earliest dinner and theater shows go back to the Middle Ages. Food would be served, with songs, dances, and performances thrown in. It is something that we still enjoy and there are a whole range of places that you can still experience the classic dinner show experience. If you are a foodie that loves to explore new destinations, and enjoy a dinner show on your travels, then here are some of the best US destinations for dinner shows and travels.



Denver, Colorado

Denver is a great place to visit with a really vibrant street scene. Being close to a lot of major and popular skiing resorts, it is a good place to visit if you are looking for a dinner show as you explore what Denver has to offer.  Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox is a popular choice, but there are a range of places with DJs and even quizzes so you can find something to suit what you like.

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 

Pigeon Forge is a great spot for dinner shows, set in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. If you want to experience some real southern hospitality (as well as the delicious cooking) then heading to TN can be a good choice. Plus, if you are a fan of Dolly Parton, then this is the area to head for some shows along those lines! After a day of hiking or other outdoor pursuits, which are popular in the area, then you will be able to relax with a great show, good food, and plenty of drinks.

Kissimmee, Florida

There are a lot of dinner shows found in Florida, especially around the Orlando area. But if you are looking for something that is a little less touristy and not sponsored by Mickey Mouse, then heading just south of Orlando to Kissimmee can be a good call for dinner shows. There is even a pro-wrestling theatre in the city too!

Los Angeles, California

Heading out to Los Angeles for a dinner show makes a lot of sense, as there are so many budding actors in the city, meaning that you are spoilt for choice. Magic Castle is one of the top places for a dinner show, which takes place in a former Hollywood home, that is now used as a place for dinner shows, especially with magicians. If you like the sound of old-school Hollywood glamor and like to get dressed up, then this will be the choice for you.

New York, New York

New York has a range of shows and amusements on offer, so it is no surprise that it is a top destination of choice for going to a dinner show. If you are looking for something that is quite cabaret style, then you could head to the Cafe Carlyle which has been used since the 30s for dinner shows and glamor. You may even spot some famous faces performing there, as it was a place that has hosted Alan Cumming and Debbie Harry in the past, to name a few.

*Post contributed to entertainment and travel writer, Lindsey Garrison.*


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