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How To Plan A Camping Trip With Kids

Camping trips can be a great bonding experience for families. Depending on your personal experience and skills as a camper, you can start camping with your kids so long as you have trained them enough to handle themselves. Kids are naturally curious, and a camping trip will provide them with an opportunity to indulge their curiosity. Here are some tips to help you plan a camping trip with your kids.

Choose a good campsite

With kids coming along, you may not be able to go to the places you usually go to. But you can still experience the great outdoors with your kids by picking a suitable campsite. To do this, consider what interests your kids, such as fishing, swimming, or open spaces. The next thing to look at is the amenities available at the campsite, especially if it is the first time going camping with your kids. For first-timers, not having adequate amenities may be quite an issue so keep that in mind.

Imitate camping at home

To make the camping transition smooth for the kids, you can start by imitating camping scenarios at home. So you can pitch up a tent in the garden or backyard and get them to play in it or sleep in it. This will help them get used to the living and sleeping conditions they will experience during camping.

Get kids involved during packing

The curious nature of kids makes them ask questions as they seek answers. You can use the packing process as a teachable moment to expose them to all the camping gear you are taking along for the trip. Ensure that they pack their bags and stress the importance of keeping their stuff tidy and returning items to the bag they pick it from.

Pack enough food

Food is a vital aspect of camping, and with kids coming along for the trip, you should pack enough snacks, fruits, and foods that they love. Involve them in the planning process and make it a point to get a good balance of snacks, fruits, and food.

Safety measures

Before you go camping, educate the kids on camping rules and behavior. Let them know what is expected of them in any given situation and what they can or cannot do. When you get to the campsite, set ground rules on how far they can go from the camp. Safeguard your campsite by creating a visible physical boundary that will let others know that it is your space. Make sure you have enough warm clothes, flashlights, and first aid kits. Remember to dispose of trash properly to avoid inviting animals into your space.

Make memories

On your camping trips with your kids, find exciting ways to bond and create memories. Find teachable moments that will foster good habits. You can also use the opportunity to teach them about nature, the environment, and why it is essential to protect it.

Just being in nature and away from all the hustle and bustle of the city offers a different perspective on the importance of family like Stephen Troese Jr experienced. With these tips you can have a great bonding experience with your kids.

*Post contributed by Chris Johnson, peer travel writer and proud father of two girls.*


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