Stumbling Upon Look Up in Queens New York



A good friend sent me a wonderful surprise from Forest Hills, Queens.  On a sunny, summer day, she went for a walk down Ascan Avenue. Apparently, the neighbors on this street decided to spread positive vibes by painting rocks with uplifting messages and colors. My friend, who has read my books as well as traveled with me to Cuba, knew of the Look Up Mantra. So when she stumbled upon this Look Up rock, she snagged a pic. She assumed that I would think the rock was uncannily similar to the Look Up logo, which it is (see below).

The Skinny on the Look Up Mantra

For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Look Up Mantra or those that need a reminder, here is the skinny. These powerful two words remind us all to 1) Be in the moment & 2) Find the upside. This means appreciating the beauty around you as well as hazards. This is in combination with spinning each situation, hurdle, or hiccup positively. There is a message in every mess. There is wisdom in every mistake, wound, or obstacle.

Spread Positivity via Look Up


This year has presented more hurdles, messes, and obstacles than we could have ever imagined. We need a shift in perspective to overcome this pandemic, economic depression, political unrest, and societal divide. Do your part! Help spread the positive vibes by using Look Up.

Here’s to looking up from wherever you are while wearing a mask!

p.s. Don’t forget to vote in November!


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