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Get a Dose of Look Up

Do you get your daily dose of perspective?

Seriously, it’s important just like your multi-vitamin.

Your doctors suggest that you take your vitamins and don’t skip breakfast. Well, don’t skip your daily dose of perspective either?

That’s why I created the Look Up mantra seven years ago!

Look Up reminds us all to:

  1. Be in the moment, appreciating the beauty around you as well as the hazards. In essence, be mindful.
  2. Spin each situation positively. Every hurdle, life obstacle, or wound turns into wisdom. There are NO wasted experiences.

View the back story of what inspired Look Up!

Although Look Up started in a small-town in Hudson River Valley, New York, it has traveled the world. In fact, these images showcased in this post are from around the globe. Enjoy a dose of Look Up through photos!

Look Up Reminder from Kipukai, Kauai, Hawaii
Look Up Reminder from Mount Esja, Iceland
Look Up Reminder from the Bay of Pigs, Cuba
Look Up Reminder from Zermot, Switzerland and Matterhorn

I encourage you to carry this powerful tool with you in your back pocket. Look Up has helped others through thick and thin.

Add Look Up to your daily routine: eat breakfast, take your vitamins, and get a dose of Look Up!

So, do tell. Which of the photos is your favorite?

Leave me a comment below.

Here’s to looking up!

**As of November of 2017, the photo collage that was 3rd party technology no longer works. I have substituted some of my own Look Up photos.**


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