When All Balls Drop and Heidi Siefkas featured in On Wisconsin Magazine

On Wisconsin Magazine featured When All Balls Drop in its Spring 2015 Bookshelf:

Five years ago, a tree limb weighing nearly one thousand pounds struck Heidi Siefkas ’99 and broke her neck. During her multi-month recovery, she learned that her husband was leading a double life, and her employer forced her to resign. The reflection period, dramatic perspective shift, and life changes that followed her loss of independence, marriage, and career produced a mantra called “Looking up!” and a hopeful, humorous memoir called When All Balls Drop: The Upside of Losing Everything (Wheatmark). These days, Siefkas describes herself as an author and adventurer based in Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii. She’s writing a sequel, embracing her wanderlust, documenting her travels, and reveling in her restored health, heart, values, and “deeper understanding of what it means to have it all.”

See full article here.


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