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What Readers Are Saying About When All Balls Drop – Immediately Engaging and Relatable

The powerful message of When All Balls Drop: The Upside of Losing Everything is spreading. Not only are the reviews coming in fast, but When All Balls Drop is on its way to screen as well.

Be inspired like this reader!

Immediately engaging, relatable, and perfectly candid memoir – “When All Balls Drop offers an engaging, relatable and wonderfully candid recount of recovery from traumatic injury, life altering circumstances and personal loss. Each is a difficult journey on its own yet the author relates the complexities of managing all three simultaneously with honesty and humor. Ultimately, Siefkas shares the importance of “looking up” when the chips are down and embracing the transformation that comes from personal loss and perspective gained.” – Jenny Read full review.

Purchase a copy for yourself, a friend, family member, and/or co-worker, here. Remember the film version is just around the corner. You want to read it before the movie comes out.

If you have already read it….What is your review of When All Balls Drop?

Please submit your reviews to AmazonGoodreads, and Barnes & Noble. It will take thousands to spread the powerful message of When All Balls Drop to the masses.


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