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When All Balls Drop Spotted in Russia – Where Are You Reading It?

Less than two weeks since launch, When All Balls Drop has been spotted around the globe. Readers have been sending pictures of where they are enjoying my inspirational story. As promised, I will highlight a couple of pictures that I have received each week. Submit yours.

When I received this picture, I couldn’t believe it. This picture was sent to me by a couple in Nebraska who happened to be bring When All Balls Drop along to enjoy while on their Russian vacation. The featured image is at the Tchaikovsky Museum in Klin, Russia. As a well-traveled person, I hate to admit that I had to look up where Klin is located (FYI: in the outskirts of Moscow).

When_All_Balls_Drop_Russia_CollageTo make this story even better, I met the traveling couple while in Cuba. The husband is from Wisconsin. Holy cow, we Wisconsinites get around!

The pictures that are coming in further show that the message of my memoir is powerful and worth sharing.

Do you have a copy of When All Ball Drop? If not, shop at Amazon or your favorite online bookseller.

I look forward to receiving yours! Submit here.

Here’s to looking up!



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