When most visit Oahu, Waikiki Beach is the focus. However, once you have experienced a sunset catamaran sail, a drink at Duke’s and perhaps a surfing lesson, it is time to get out of Honolulu and into the mountains. Although there are countless hikes on the island, there is one that is the creme de la creme, Moanalua (aka backside of Stairway to Heaven).
MoanaLua Hike on Oahu, Hawaii
The trailhead is roughly 20-minutes outside of Honolulu, but it is a full-day, 10-mile hike. Be prepared for muddy, slick, narrow trails as well as gnarly wind gusts. In various sections, there are ropes to assist climbs and descents. This adventure is NOT easy, please read this guide if you’re new to hiking. Plus, it’s important to remember that some of the most spectacular views and accomplishments in life come from very BIG mountains, climbs, or feats. Enjoy my 1-minute recap of Moanalua hike on Oahu, Hawaii.
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As always, here’s to looking up!