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My Shining Moment in Patagonia Chile



My Shining Moment in Patagonia Chile

At the top of Torres Del Paine National Park in the winter of 2011, I had a celebration. After three days of hiking along increasingly changeable mountainous terrain and glacier fed lakes – all the while experiencing everything from snow and rain, to summer sun and wind – I finally arrived at the signature granite towers of Torres del Paine’s W trail. I consider this to be one of the “Shining Moments” in my life – a moment when I was able to see clearly and feel like my most authentic self. I reveled in the beauty of nature, reflecting on the fact that it had taken me nearly a year and a half to reach this triumphant point, following a life-changing accident. As I stood on the top of that trail, I felt like I was starting the first day of a new, true, bold life.

This experience is one of the reasons why I was drawn to Clear Eyes’® My Shining Moment campaign, a celebration of the brand’s commitment to consumers by creating a platform for them to share the stories of when they look and feel their best, with clear and comfortable eyes – the moments when they truly shine!

Heidi_Siefkas_my_shining_moment_Torres_del_PaineThe Long Road to My Shining Moment

The long road that led to that mountain-top was one of growth, recovery, and overcoming obstacles. In the fall of 2009, my life changed in a split second while I was taking out the trash. On a normal Sunday afternoon, a thousand-pound tree limb struck me unexpectedly, breaking my neck and leaving me unconscious in the driveway. Waking up five days later in the ICU with my health in peril and my prognosis uncertain, I was scared, but that was just the beginning. Life, I was soon to discover, had more in store for me. Shortly after my accident, I discovered a devastating trail of lies pointing to my husband’s double life. Unexpectedly, my employer called forcing me to resign. I call this a When All Balls Drop moment.

After neurosurgery, and following nearly a year of rehabilitation and counseling, I was told that I was healthy and ready to return to a normal life. However, I still needed to prove it. I decided to test myself fully by embarking on a solo walkabout to Patagonia, Chile.

Enter #MyShiningMoment to Win a Trip to Miami + Photo Shoot


Although my story is unique, we all have “Shining Moments” – the moments in life when we’re able to shine by being the most authentic versions of ourselves. Reliving my own “Shining Moment” makes me smile. It is a moment of pure joy in my life that’s unique to me.

The #1 selling brand of eye drops, Clear Eyes® understands that our eyes are the windows to our souls. You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words – but with your eyes, you need no words.

As the first brand equity campaign focused on bringing to life the emotional benefits of the Clear Eyes® product portfolio, the brand debuted a digital gallery, featuring photos and videos of shining moments as told by a variety of creative people, including eye portrait photographer Bridges Aderhold, beauty blogger Rachel Anise, travel videographer Taylor Fischer, world renowned magician, Adam Wilber, Swedish airline pilot Maria Fagerstrom, cross country runner Jonathon Prince, and No Leftovers’ food blogger, Jackie Gebel.

I invite you to submit your own Shining Moment photos and videos via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram by using #MyShiningMoment, today through October 15, 2017. All consumers who submit their own Shining Moments will be entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to receive an all-expense paid trip to Miami, for a private photo shoot with Bridges Aderhold.

For more information on My Shining Moment and Clear Eyes, please visit

As always, here’s to looking up!

**The #MyShiningMoment sweepstakes and this post are sponsored by Clear Eyes®, the #1 selling brand of eye drops.


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