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Sneak Peek of Cubicle to Cuba


Cubicle_to_Cuba_by_Heidi_SiefkasOver the last six months, I have polished the journals, postcards, and pictures that I have collected during my last five years of travel to Cuba and around the world, transforming them into my next book, Cubicle to Cuba.

You may wonder, how did I find the time to write a book between hiking the cables at Half Dome in Yosemite or nearly escaping Hurricane Matthew in Cuba and then Miami?

Well, that’s a good question. The answer is I’ve worked hard. I wake up early and drink lots of coffee until it is appropriate to drink wine. Ha!

I’m thrilled to share with you that I completed my third book in three years. (Come on! Give me an atta girl!) In fact, just before my recent milestone birthday (the BIG 4-0) I uploaded the files from none other than the Nacional Hotel in Havana, Cuba. (Enhorabuena – congrats!)

Yes, Cubicle to Cuba: Desk Job to Dream Job is my latest work. In it, I share my transition out of the corporate world and Cubicle Land to a life on the road in Cuba and beyond. It will be released on a very special date in Cuban history as well as mine. On the turn of the New Year, I will unveil this kickass travelogue to the world in print and ebook versions on Amazon and other online sellers.


Be prepared for twists, turns, and even jumps. This adventure starts in Cuba and makes its way to Kauai, Australia, and other far-flung places, but always returning to Cuba for more. Cubicle to Cuba will teach you about Cuba, but it will also inspire you to think out of the cubicle, travel more, and embark on your own Life 2.0.

Get your pre-release sneak peek now!

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Here’s to looking up!


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