Although I have been as busy as everyone else over the holidays with parties, gift wrapping, traveling, and cooking, I did make time to get some backyard, hammock R&R in to read. As an author people think I have so much time to read. I do because I enjoy it, but I also spend a lot of my time writing new stories, promoting existing ones, and most importantly living enough to create a good story to share.
I just finished Robin Roberts’ Everybody’s Got Something. My Just Read Review is below.
Five Stars and Cartwheels!
Wowza! Everybody’s Got Something is a wonderfully candid, down-to-earth, and even fun, true story of triumph.
Last month, after a book club in Weston, Florida read my story, I did a Q&A via Skype with them. They asked, “Have you read Robin Roberts’ book?” I hadn’t, but I immediately downloaded it. They knew I would find similarities in my struggle with healthcare and just the wise take-away, “Make your mess your message.”
Robin, from one thriver to another, BRAVO!
Here’s to looking up!
If you have a book that you think I would enjoy, please contact me.
Also, if you are a member of a book club and would like to feature one or both of my inspirational memoirs, When All Balls Drop & With New Eyes, I will make it special for you. I will do an exclusive Q&A via Skype, Facebook, or where appropriate in-person with you and your members. Contact me soon to get your book club’s spot.