You have a story in you! You are an author!
Make Your Book Dream Come True
at South Florida Writing Retreat October 24th!
Join Heidi Siefkas, Author and Adventurer, and Wendi Blum, Business Coach and Author, and for a half-day writing retreat in Fort Lauderdale at the beautiful Atlantic Hotel & Spa.
Whether your story is a memoir, a children’s book, or a guide for
your business, through interactive sessions, you will learn how to:
- Accomplish writing goals
- Market your book & tools
- Select publishing resources
- Overcome writer’s block
Make Your Book Dream Come True
at South Florida Writing Retreat October 24th!
Register for the South Florida Writing Retreat Today!
(special early bird rate $77, full price $97)
**Can’t attend or want to get advance writing resources, click here for Author Heidi Siefkas’ Writing Resources and Tips.**