What are readers saying about When All Balls Drop, the debut title from Heidi Siefkas?
Will Inspire- “Travel with author/adventurer Heidi Siefkas as she takes you through, over, under the emotional roller coaster that was her ride through a most difficult part of her life. For anyone experiencing a life-changing event, Heidi’s endurance, attitude, and will to “fight the fight” will inspire! Written in a style making it easy to pick up and put down when life calls, though you’ll be anxious to return!” – Jodean Read full review
Remember the film version is just around the corner.
Purchase a copy for yourself, a friend, family member, and/or co-worker, here.
You want to read it before the movie comes out.
If you have already read it….What is your review of When All Balls Drop?
Please submit your reviews to Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble. It will take thousands to spread the powerful message of When All Balls Drop to the masses.