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Inspirational Female Authors in Writing When All Balls Drop

As I talk about my memoir, When All Balls Drop, many ask me about the process of writing, in particular where I found my inspiration. Since my book is non-fiction, I didn’t have to brainstorm about content; however, I did need to come up with the guts. I can’t lie. Although my story is powerful and gripping, it’s scary putting that much about yourself out there for the world to read.

I found inspiration from many authors and thought leaders, but above all I must thank three inspirational female authors. Through their stories, I laughed and cried, while connecting to portions of my story from a traumatic health scare to marriage turmoil and an intense need for freedom. Thank you to these three spectacular, inspirational female authors!

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love and Committed

Both books helped me through my bad marriage, divorce, and getting beyond being a skeptic of love. Like most readers of E, P, L, I started dreaming of  taking my own E, P, L trip after I was physically strong enough. It didn’t take too much to twist my arm as I have a severe case of Wanderlust. So in 2011, I hiked Torres del Paine in Chile, tasted wine in Mendoza, Argentina, and danced the tango in Buenos Aires. Just like Liz, I did eat pizza on my trip. To this day, I swear that the best pizza is in Buenos Aires, not Italy (Sorry, Liz!). However, on my trip, I didn’t find love. I had divorced a Brazilian so the abundance of Latin males was a turn-off. On the brighter side, I returned to South Florida to fall madly in love with my current PIC (Partner in Crime) of nearly four years.

Cheryl Strayed’s Wild

I empathized her full-blown life catastrophe and feeling of complete loss. Through her tremendous physical, mental, and emotional feat of walking the PCT, albeit ill-prepared, she built herself up again. In particular, I connected to the walking component as I used walking as my escape in 2009 from my recovery in New York, Massachusetts, and Florida. It was my savior and meditation during recovery and continues to be even now. I just love her candid style, whit, and vivid description.

Lisa Genova’s Left Neglected

What sparked my life-change was an accident that suddenly caused my life to pause. I was like Sarah, career-driven shuffling many things; however, I didn’t have three children like she did. I felt an immediate connection to her loss of freedom in recovery. Both her story and mine show that sometimes you need to slow down or even completely stop to reevaluate your path and find happiness.

With my book at the printers, I have decided to dedicate the rest of the summer to revisit each of these writers. I’m currently reading a signed copy of Gilbert’s The Signature of All Things (Thanks Mom for going to Brookline, Mass for the book signing!). Additionally, I have both Tiny Little Things by Strayed and Still Alice by Genova on my Kindle.

When_All_Balls-Drop_Heidi_SiefkasAs I launch When All Balls Drop in a little over a month (tic toc), my hope is to inspire other women and female authors. For its dedication page, I write,

“I dedicate this book to women who want it all: love, health, and career.

May you be happy, confident, and living your dreams in spite of whatever gets in your way.”

As a pre-release gift, I would like to offer you a free 40-page excerpt of When All Balls DropSign up here. Please share this post with your circle of women friends, peers, family members, book club members, and other writers.

Here’s to looking up!


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