Look Up Day – The Shoe on the Other Foot

Although Look Up Day started as a way for me to reframe various scares that were happening in my life: traumatic accident, long, out-of-home recovery from a broken neck, relationship turmoil, relearning tasks as an adult, and lost of career, I want to share this day and philosophy with you and others. Celebrated each 27th in commemoration of an accident that in turn sparked a life-change for me in 2009, today and every 27th are to remind us all to take the time to look up for beauty and hazards, meanwhile turning our current circumstances whether good, bad, or worse into an opportunity. It’s certain that life will serve us all unexpected curveballs. Many of those will be out of your control. However, it is your power of thought and perspective that you must harness. That is what Look Up Day inspires.

This Look Up Day I find myself needing to use these survival techniques again while in the hospital. However, instead of being the patient myself, I’m in the other seat as the cheerleader and advocate. I’m seeing that not only do I need to spin my own thoughts, but encourage the same for my father.

Whether it’s for you, your family and friends, or for my dad and me, here’s to looking up! After all, positivity is contagious!

As always, to read more about Look Up Day and my up and coming memoir, When All Balls Drop, connect with me on FacebookTwitterG+LinkedInYouTube, and Pinterest.


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