You Only Live Once – Carpe Diem

Are you getting your YOLO dose of dessert first, nightcaps, sunshine, bubble baths, adrenaline, and bacon? If you haven’t heard the original quote from Mark Twain, let me repeat. “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you DIDN’T than the ones you did.” What are you waiting for?

Although I had a very full life with much travel, education, and loving family and friends, I realized when I nearly lost my life that I had so much more to do. I wanted to experience far much more than what I had already accomplished. Through my recovery unable to travel, drive, or shower, I created a lengthy list. Some were very simple items, while others ambitious to say the least. My wish list included:

X Take a bubble bath
X Return to my hometown & eat cheese curds with good friends
X Swim
X Write and publish my memoir (Checked in Sept 2014 with When All Balls Drop after posting)
X Drive
X Be my own boss
X Run again
X Laugh so hard I pee my pants
X Live on a tropical island before 40
X Hike Machu Picchu
X Sleep soundly
X Take a walkabout
X SCUBA dive in the Caribbean
X Fall in love again
X See the Northern Lights (Check after visiting Iceland in Fall 2017)
_ Take a safari in Africa
X Have a Chardonnay lunch
X Go Down Under (Checked after posting in Spring 2014)
X See the Grand Canyon

I’ve since accomplished all, but four one; however, two of them are in the works. I have yet to see the Northern Lights although I lived in Alaska for four months. Nor, have I taken a safari to Africa. I can’t wait to do it. I have written my memoir, which was one of the hardest things that I have yet to do in my life. I relived all the pain, anxiety, and emotions of the experience. It is now underway with reviews, edits, and rewrites. I plan on releasing it this fall to mark the 5th anniversary of my accident. And lastly, but not least, I haven’t visit Australia. However, this April, I have a trip planned to go to Sydney, Ayers Rock, and Cairns.

Are you living courageously and taking every opportunity to soak up all that life has for us to enjoy? If not get on with it, Carpe that ******* Diem!


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