

Watch My Cool Videos!

As a multimedia storyteller, I love to spin a yarn via video. Let’s face it. Sometimes you don’t have time to read a whole book or even a blog post, but you do have time for a couple minutes of video while you are on your way to work or at the gym. Move over pictures and your thousand words, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.

Check out my TEDx talk about Adventure!

Follow My Videos and Be Inspired!

Some of my favorite videos are listed below. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get the latest delivered right into your inbox.




Adventure Videos

One Minute Travel to Cuba

Adventures in Iceland


Dose of Inspiration

Benefits of Adventure

Life Lesson of Look Up


TEDx Video

TEDx Talk with Author and Adventurer Heidi Siefkas – The Life Hack the Gurus Don’t Tell You About

TEDx Broward College[/span3]


TV Interviews

CBS Miami and Heidi Siefkas
