Prepared for Uncomfortable

Little did I know as a thirty-something frequent flyer at Ellen’s Ultimate Workout Gym that I was preparing for getting extremely uncomfortable.

In 2009, I was a happily married, globetrotting professional living in Plantation, sweating my stress away on the bikes and reformers at Ellen’s at least four times a week. Then on one of my travels to New York’s Hudson River Valley, suddenly my life as I knew it stopped.

While taking out the trash on a seemingly normal fall day, a tree limb struck me
down, breaking my neck and leaving me unconscious for five days. I lost my
independence. I lost my career. I watched my marriage disintegrate as I
confronted a trail of devastating lies about my husband’s double life.

Through losing everything, I was forced to stop juggling everything. Recovering
that fall and winter far from home, I had the time to reflect on my life’s path.
Limited to only walking for my physical therapy as my vertebrae fused, I walked
religiously. It was my solace and meditation, very much like spinning with Ellen
on Saturday morning had been and continues to be.

During my full-blown life catastrophe, I got real uncomfortable. I was in pain,
angry, and flirting with insanity’s ledge. However, on my walks, just like at Ellen’s,
I told myself to keep going through the uncomfortable. Through the power of the
mind, I found an upside.

Since I’ve recovered fully and written an inspirational memoir, When All Balls
Drop: The Upside of Losing Everything. In it, I explain my mantra of looking up,
which encompasses two crucial elements:

• Be aware of your surroundings and in the moment like you must on a pilates reformer or a spin bike, leaving everything else aside

• Spin each situation positively as many seemingly unfavorable occurrences
are really opportunities in disguise

Thank you to Ellen, Cindy, and the entire fun team of instructors at Ellen’s
Ultimate Workout Gym
for preparing me for uncomfortable while continuing to
make me sweat and challenge myself, maintaining my fitness and preparation for
whatever comes my way.

To read my story, When All Balls Drop, visit Amazon for both print and ebook
formats. Also, on September 30th, I will be speaking at the Women Inspiring
Women Meeting 6:30-8:30 pm in Cooper City. I will bring copies for purchase
and signing.

Here’s to looking up!


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