When All Balls Drop Film  based on a true story and book

An inspiring true story about a mid-30, married, exec who HAD IT ALL. When a 1,000-POUND TREE LIMB BREAKS HER NECK & HER MARRIAGE DISINTEGRATES, she embarks on ARCHITECTING A NEW LIFE


Life can change in a second. Heidi, a successful travel executive, wife to a Brazilian chef, daughter, friend, & adventure seeker found out the hard way. By taking out the trash, Heidi had a crash course in life 101.

In Hudson River Valley, New York, her seemingly perfect life came to screeching halt when a 1,000-pound tree limb leveled Heidi as she took out the trash. She awoke five days later in the ICU with a broken neck. Along her recovery, she discovered that her husband had been living a double life and her high-powered job forced her to resign. That fall, Heidi lost all that she held dear. Is there an upside to losing it all?

Heidi slowly regained her health, limited to a full brace, & revealed the greatest betrayal and pain to her family. Although she had the option to rebuild her former life, there was an opportunity to architect a new one, Life 2.0.

Heidi’s story inspires you to overcome obstacles and live an adventurous life.

In the Press

Heidi shares her powerful story and book When All Balls Drop with CBS:

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Interested in working together and learning more?

Currently, Heidi is seeking the right team of directors, producers, writers, actors, and financing to inspire off the page to the screen. If you are interested in learning more about the story and her book, contact Heidi.