Author Heidi Siefkas featured on Women Writers – The Adventures in Writing

‘The Adventure of Writing’ featured on Women Writers

When you see the word adventure, you probably think of action, travel, and the outdoors.

You don’t naturally think of writing. However, I beg to differ.

I define adventure as something new, challenging, and perhaps frightening. In almost all cases, it’s all consuming. Deciding to do it and then executing it despite the fear is what makes it an adventure. And, writing a memoir has been an adventure to say the least.

My debut memoir, When All Balls Drop, started as journal entries. I know it doesn’t sound that adventurous, but it was my way of navigating all that occurred after a life-altering tree accident in New York’s Hudson River Valley. I broke my neck in that accident. Also, I discovered that my husband had been living a double life. And, if the one-two sucker punch wasn’t enough, I lost my high-powered career in the travel industry. In the fall of 2009, I lost everything that I held dear.

Through losing everything, I turned to writing a journal. The entries were therapeutic for me. At the time, I didn’t know that I would later transform those pages into a memoir. In fact, nearly a year and a half after my accident, the seed for When All Balls Drop was planted on a hike through Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia, Chile. Phase One of the Adventure: I accepted the challenge.

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