Just Read Review – Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan

As I have been posting reviews of my own memoir, When All Balls Drop, from both book critics and readers like you, I wanted to share what I have been reading.

Last fall, I read Susannah Cahalan’s amazingly raw autobiography after being introduced to it through various readers that attended my signings in not only South Florida, but also in Boston and Hawaii. All commented that I would connect with Susannah and her struggles not only with the health care system, but also with her loss of independence.

I proudly give Susannah and standing O for surviving and being resourceful enough to put together the pieces of her story to help others. Below see my Just Read Review or on Goodreads.

Standing O to a survivor!

In short chapters, Susannah Cahalan tells her tremendous story of surviving a rare autoimmune disease and the loss of her life as she knew it. Her raw account of waking up in the hospital, having mental breakdowns, and the frustration of the health care system had me in tears as well as ready to go to bat for her. I couldn’t put the book down. I connected with Susannah to the core.

Five years ago, I went through a similar health scare and life altering experience. I awoke in a hospital after being unconscious five days. As a result of a freak tree accident, I had a broken neck. During my numerous battles with the health care system and a lengthy nine-month recovery, I too lost the life as I knew it. When I finally returned home to Florida after living with my mother in Massachusetts, it wasn’t home sweet home. I had changed from my experience just as she did. I saw the world with new eyes.

Bravo to Susannah for recovering, returning to writing, and sharing your story to help others whether with her specific autoimmune disease, other health scares, or making it through a challenging loss of identity and independence caused by another trauma.

Thank you Susannah for sharing your story. I look forward to your feedback about When All Balls Drop.

Here’s to looking up!


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