Tag Archives: motivation

When Life Gets Blurry Adjust Your Focus – Look Up

Ever feel like every day is a blur? There's not enough coffee or wine to gain focus. Whether you're in the multi-tasking Olympics, facing a myriad of challenges, or just looking for a change or improvement, this tool is for YOU! What is this tool? Look Up is a simple, powerful mantra that quickly shifts your perspective quickly.…
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When You Fall Down, Keep Walking Featured on BootsNAll

Believe it or not, my story begins with taking out the trash! It was fall 2009. I was a mid-thirty something, globetrotting professional, married, homeowner, and active adventure seeker with a tight circle of friends and family. I thought I had it all! Then on a seemingly normal Sunday afternoon, I carried a garbage bag…
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Look Up Day – The Shoe on the Other Foot

Although Look Up Day started as a way for me to reframe various scares that were happening in my life: traumatic accident, long, out-of-home recovery from a broken neck, relationship turmoil, relearning tasks as an adult, and lost of career, I want to share this day and philosophy with you and others. Celebrated each 27th…
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Inspiration to Walkabout to Australia

Having returned from an adventure filled walkabout to Australia, I wanted to highlight the character from my memoir When All Balls Drop - The Upside of Losing Everything that spurred my many healing travels nearly five years ago.  Thank you Patrice! Originally from Chicago, Patrice was not only well-traveled, lively, and kind, but also had the best…
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